रविवार, 21 अक्टूबर 2012

Please change ''traditional opinion ''

Please change ''traditional opinion ''

Oh ! my father !
i am your ortolan;
do not cut off
my little pinion ;
please change ...your
''traditional opinion ''

Do not hold back
my progressive steps ,
Be prudent and
make me glad ,
You'r sky and
i am orion .
Please change ..your
''traditional opinion ''

Do not put to death
my liberal thoughts ;
Be practical
drown all doubts,
You are the sea
and i am dolphin .
Please change...your
''traditional opinion. ''

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

Vinay ने कहा…

Nice poem

अपने ब्लॉग को ई-पुस्तक में बदलिए

Rohitas Ghorela ने कहा…

You are the sea
and i am dolphin .
Please change...your
''traditional opinion.

these are the most beautiful & touchable lines.
Awesome poem.

you are welcome to my new post: