
शनिवार, 24 मार्च 2012

I am a ''WOMAN ''

meeting woman pretty stock photo woman girl pc stock photowoman phone support stock photo

I want to live proudly 

I love to do everything fearlessly

I wish to make my dreams true

I like to gain veneration

I prefer revolt than compromise 

I am a ''WOMAN '' 
''W'' ho 
''O'' pposes
''M'' an's 
''A'' utocratic 
''N'' ature .
                                                shikha kaushik

8 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. yes thats true ,being woman we should feel proud,should live with self esteem and fully confidance.well written.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. --one should always live with esteem, confidence and opposing the autocratic nature......not only
    ''M'' an's
    ''A'' utocratic nature....

    जवाब देंहटाएं